FROM D+1 TO 105 The Story of the 2nd ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1944 |
THESE ARE MY CREDENTIALS The Story of the 8th ID Printed by Impremerie du Centre Paris, 1944 |
HITLER'S NEMESIS The Story of the 9th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
28TH ROLL ON The Story of the 28th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
ATTACK The Story of the 35th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
THE 45TH The Story of the 45th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
THE 75TH The Story of the 75th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
THE CROSS OF LORRAINE The Story of the 79th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
ALL AMERICAN The Story of the82nd AbnD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
ROLLING AHEAD The Story of the 89th ID Printed by P. Dupont Paris, 1945 |
TOUGH OMBRES The Story of the 90th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1944 |
ON THE WAY The Story of the 94th ID Printed by Draeger Paris, 1945 |
BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE The Story of the 95th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
BATTLE BABIES The Story of the 99th ID Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
STORY OF THE CENTURY The Story of the 100th ID Printed by Curial-Archereau Paris, 1945 |
THE 106TH The Story of the 106th ID Printed by P. Dupont Paris, 1945 |
SPEARHEADING Sequel to "CALL ME SPEARHEAD" The Story of the 3rd AD Printed by Hallische Nachrichten Halle (Saale)l, 1945 |
FROM THE BEACH TO BASTOGNE The Story of the 4th AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
THE ROAD TO GRMANY The Story of the 5th AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1944 |
BREST TO BASTOGNE The Story of the 6th AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
TORNADO The Story of the 8th AD Printed by Crete Corbail, 1945 |
THE 9TH The Story of the 9th AD Printed by P. Dupont Paris, 1945 |
TERRIFY AND DESTROY The Story of the 10th AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
THUNDERBOLT The Story of the 11th AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
SPEED IS THE PASSWORD The Story of the 12nd AD Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
TIME OVER TARGETS The Story of the 9th Bombardment Division Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
ACHTUNG JABOS The Story of the IX TAC (Tactical Air Command) Printed by Curial-Archereau Paris, 1945 |
FLY, SEEK, DESTROY The Story of the XIX TAC (Tactical Air Command) Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED The Story of the XXIX TAC (Tactical Air Command) Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
DESTINATION BERLIN! The Transportation Corps will Furnish the Necessary Transportation Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1944 |
ENGINEERING THE VICTORY The Story of the Corps of Engineers Printed by Curial-Archereau Paris, 1945 |
FLAMING BOMB The Story of Ordnance in the ETO Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |
MP The Story of the Military Police Printed by Draeger Paris, 1945 |
THAT MEN MIGHT LIVE! The Story of the Medical Service - ETO Printed by P. Dupont Paris, 1945 |
THE WAC The Story of the Women's Army Corps Printed by Desfosses-Neogravure Paris, 1945 |